2012: Sarah Wolf



Sarah lives in Staten Island, New York in 2012, and tells of her experiences during Hurricane Sandy. Random fact about Sandy: when she hit New York, she was a category 2, actually pretty weak. When she was making landfall in Florida, I was walking around campus mildly annoyed by the wind. That said I fully realize New York wasn’t built for hurricanes and I’m sorry for everyone’s losses.

Sarah is wearing a bra and nerdy atom panties. Her layered hair is left down.

Her first outfit is a striped shirt covered by a cardigan, jeans, and flats.

Her second outfit is a dress with knee high socks and shoes. These first two outfits are based on things my college roommate wore. She said she found the outfits online somewhere and copied them, but I’ve never been able to find the pictures she used. Not that I really ever tried too hard.

The last outfit is pajamas. They are Doctor Who TARDIS themed with slipper boots. I unashamedly own this outfit. #Whovian

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