1820: Rafaela de Sousa



Rafaela lives in St. Augustine, Florida. The town has a pretty interesting history, being the oldest continually inhabited European city in the US (an early settler is somewhere in the waiting room to get on this blog). St. Augustine, and Florida in general, passed back and forth between Spanish, British and US rule, before eventually, in 1822, being taken over by the US in 1822. Rafaela lives during a time when “crackers” from the US began settling en masse in the backwoods of Florida and eventually take Florida for the US.

Rafaela wears a simple shift with a corset and socks. Her hair is in a bun.

Her first dress is a day dress, with ruffles and rose trim, and boots. There is a bonnet for this outfit with feathers and bows.

I imagine Rafaela as fairly wealthy, so she needs a ball gown. The second outfit is a gown with leaf trim, a choker, long gloves, and slippers. Her veil, or mantilla, goes with this dress. I just noticed I never inked her fingers fully on the glove and now it really bothers me.

Her last dress is a plain work dress. Even wealthy girls had to cook and clean, after all. It’s a dress with an apron and boots.

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